Feedback at university is part of a transition towards self-reliance and independence in learning that will be important in future employment. It will probably be different from the feedback that you received at school. You will be taught by a large number of tutors across several modules and feedback will be provided in many different ways. It might be difficult to know when you're getting feedback and who to ask for more.
There is plenty of support on offer at the University of Sheffield to guide you through this transition. Make the most of the opportunities provided and remember the golden rule of feedback: If you don't understand something, ask for clarification!
"University feedback isn't presented to you as obviously - you have to seek it out. At school it is almost forced onto you."
"School would give feedback on how to pass exams whereas university feedback is there to help you understand the subject."
"In my early essays I was quite descriptive in my analysis. What you tend to get most marks for is your own interpretation. That I received this feedback early in my course has helped me achieve higher marks in subsequent assessments"
"School feedback seems to be specific and only with the intention of boosting your grade. University feedback seems to be pushing you as an individual to take your work to the next level."
"Written feedback on individual assessments was useful as I was able to not only find out what was good about the work, but also what needed improving and as such I was able to feed forward into future coursework."
"So much is your responsibility now. You have to figure out feedback your lecturer says for yourself based on notes on your essays."